Rosie's Pantry: Food for Thought with Pastor Rose
Has your faith ever been challenged? Have you ever questioned yourself or questioned God as to whether you can succeed or if God is truly with you while trying to succeed? Through Rosie’s Pantry you will hear words to encourage and lift you to accomplish your goal.
Rosie's Pantry: Food for Thought with Pastor Rose
It's a New Year... Now What?
Many of us make plans. Some of us made New Year's resolutions. But what do you do when your plans for yourself have been interrupted by circumstances or situations you have no control over? Rather! What do you do when God steps in, tampers with your plans, and puts a damper on your agenda? Your plans… are good. Productive! Morally correct! Your plans are for the betterment of everyone involved. But what do you do when God steps in and messes with all your stuff? When God establishes his steps in your life.